Oklahoma Christian University is gearing up to host their annual Cabaret show, featuring different majors and minors from the music department. Sophomore and participant Kaycee…
Posts tagged as “musical”
Each year, students at Oklahoma Christian University showcase their musical talents and abilities by participating in the Homecoming Musical. “I absolutely love musical theater and…
Despite drastic changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual homecoming musical is still a go at Oklahoma Christian University. This year’s musical medley, Songs…
As part of the school’s homecoming festivities, Oklahoma Christian University students are performing Rogers and Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!” this weekend. The musical was first performed in…
Fall musical auditions for ‘Anything Goes’ are underway and stirring up excitement among those auditioning. The potential cast is eager and anticipates a great show season this fall!
Best Musical winner "Hamilton" will perform at the Civic Center Music Hall during the 2018-19 season.