Eagles Health Initiative (EHI) is hosting a “Delete Blood Cancer” event March 31-April 2.
“Eagles Health Initiative is working with student life, residence life, the health and wellness department, SGA and Delete Blood Cancer,” senior and President of EHI Jackson Higginbottom said.
“I think that Eagles Health Initiative is doing a great thing for the Oklahoma Christian community and Delete Blood Cancer,” senior Daniel Griffin said. “Being able to help people in need is a great way to serve them and show them the love of the Lord.”
According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, one person is diagnosed with a blood cancer every three minutes.
“I know cancer is prevalent, but I have not heard it was that common,” Griffin said. “Before this year and the Delete Blood Cancer campaign, I have not even heard of blood cancer. I think it should be something that is more talked about.”
Earl Young, a 1960 gold medalist and leukemia survivor, will speak in chapel on March 31 about the importance of bone marrow donations.
“He actually battled blood cancer and received a transplant through the Delete Blood Cancer organization,” Higginbottom said. “He is a survivor and he is a spokesperson for them.”
Students that are able to give blood or swab to help Delete Blood Cancer should, according to Griffin.
“As Christians, we have an obligation to help others, especially when it is something as tangible as giving blood and saving lives through Delete Blood Cancer,” Griffin said.
EHI is a new student organization that is working on raising awareness about mental, physical and spiritual health. Delete Blood Cancer helps the physical aspect of EHI’s mission.
“Delete Blood Cancer is a nonprofit organization that signs people up for the National Bone Marrow Registry,” Higginbottom said. “That registry allows people who are in need of a transplant or who are willing to donate bone marrow to sign up and they can find their match through them.”
Griffin said that giving blood is not new to him.
“I started giving blood since I was 18,” Griffin said. “Since then, I have donated over a gallon. I have O- blood, the universal blood type, so my blood can be given to anyone. I try to donate as often as I can and plan on donating this week, actually.”
EHI will be in the residence halls on Thursday from 8-10 p.m. to set up swabbing stations to allow students to sign up for the registry.
“We are working with housing and they are going to provide pizza for people who want to come out and hear about the event,” Higginbottom said. “We will also be doing swabs during that event.”
EHI will also be in the Gaylord University Center. Swabbing will be available until Oklahoma Christian University’s “Choose Your K” event.
“I plan on volunteering to help swab people’s cheeks this week,” Griffin said. “I think the more people we can add to the registry and help match up, the better. It would be great if we could get the whole campus community involved in this.”
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