Oklahoma Christian University recently introduced their new vaccine ambassador program called Faith in the Vaccine, a national project run by Interfaith Youth Core. Educators across the nation can apply for the program, which seeks to educate people about the vaccine and COVID-19 research.
Courtney McCoy, registered nurse and assistant professor of nursing, co-leads the program at Oklahoma Christian, along with Christy Hallock, fellow nurse and assistant professor. The professors support the student ambassadors and assist with contacting faculty and locating research. McCoy and Hallock currently have seven senior nursing students in the program with seven more participating in the same program at Lighthouse Medical Clinic in Oklahoma City.
Hallock said she was impressed with the students as they have spoken at dorm meetings, answered questions on social media and participated in discussions regarding the vaccine.
“They’ve totally stepped up and had some great ideas, and our job will be to help them implement those ideas over the next semester,” Hallock said.
McCoy said the vaccine ambassador team’s goal is to educate people and increase vaccination rates in local communities.
“We know that vaccines are one of our best methods of true prevention,” McCoy said. “I believe in the science of vaccines – I don’t believe in pushing them on people, but I believe in informing and pushing towards research and informing our students.”
Tina Schrader, a senior nursing student, is one student involved in the program on campus. She said working in hospitals inspired her to sign up for the program.
“It’s really easy to get into the mindset that COVID-19 is over or it’s not a big deal anymore, but really, hospitals are filling up again and it’s a bigger deal than people might realize,” Schrader said.
McCoy said her passion for vaccines also lies with preventing illness and protecting others.
“We are called to protect those who cannot protect themselves; vaccines only work if a large majority take them to protect those who can’t take it,” McCoy said.
However, Hallock said it can be hard to separate that passion to have a discussion with someone who disagrees.
Schrader said the group underwent training via Zoom calls to learn how to engage with others in discussions regarding COVID-19, how to answer questions or concerns about vaccines (including the ingredients and how it works) and how to actively listen to other students’ opinions.
Schrader said the ambassador team is currently reaching out to the athletic department and various clubs to discuss the vaccine. Their social media account has already received numerous questions regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines. Schrader said the questions have varied in their opinions.
“We get a lot of people who are really encouraging about what we’re doing, and then you also have people who will bring up concerns they have, but a lot of times, they’ll share resources with us that are not necessarily credible or things that they’ve heard they can’t really prove,” Schrader said.
She said the team works to stay updated on current statistics and research regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines to educate students who have heard or read information which is not necessarily accurate.
McCoy, who teaches a community health class on campus, said the matter is close to her heart.
“I think what we’ve tried to stress for this whole project is to speak the truth in love,” McCoy said. “We are looking at evidence, facts, science and research; we’re not here to push our opinions, but we are here to have constructive conversations.”
Hallock said her background is not in public health, but she is passionate about reaching those who have less resources or feel overwhelmed. She also said it was important to find the “why” behind the resistance to the vaccine.
“You can’t just be a ‘for’ and ‘against’ – there will be some in-between,” Hallock said.
Students can find more information about the vaccine ambassador program on campus through their Instagram page.
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