Oklahoma Christian University is offering this year’s flu vaccine for free on campus for students.
Walgreens pharmacist Darren Rauch was on campus on Sept. 24 and 25. He gave 215 vaccines to both students and employees. Most health insurance plans covered the cost for the vaccine, but Walgreens provided a free voucher for individuals who were not covered.
Trevy Rauch, instructor of nursing, said she thinks all students should get the vaccine.
“I strongly recommend that all students receive the flu shot this year, especially with COVID,” Rauch said.
Rauch and said only a handful of cases of flu and COVID-19 have been reported. Professionals from Stanford reported that among individuals who tested positive for both the flu and COVID-19 at the same time, several have ended up in intensive care. However, the numbers are too small to draw any conclusions.
“It would be very difficult if a student developed the flu and COVID,” Rauch said.
Nursing student Tanner Wade highly recommends the flu vaccine not just this year, but every year.
“I get the vaccine every year as should everyone,” Wade said. “Plus, with everything going on, we need to limit the risk of infection as much as possible.”
Wade got his vaccine on campus on Sept. 25 and said the process was very fast and easy.
“I walked in, submitted my forms and insurance and got it done, not a lot of hassle or anything like that,” Wade said. “As easy as they are making it, there isn’t much of a reason not to get it this year.”
Senior nursing student Gabe Rodery agrees with Wade.
“Definitely, everyone should get the vaccine,” Rodery said. “The majority of us in the nursing department have already gotten it, myself included. It’s something that should be campus-wide.”
Sophomore Joey Stofer claims he has never gotten the flu shot before but may rethink this year.
“I haven’t gotten it in the past,” Stofer said. “This year might be different, but I’m not too worried about it. The vaccine really hasn’t worked for me in the past.”
Stofer also stated that he is not necessarily against the vaccine as a whole.
“I haven’t seen a point in the past because I don’t get the flu very often, but again this year is different,” Stofer said.
Sophomore Emily Tripp claims she gets the vaccine every year and it will be a priority to get it again.
“No denying this year is different,” Tripp said. “I’m definitely going the next time Walgreens is on campus.”
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