Last night at the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting, senators conducted committee reports.
The Academic Committee has a staff and faculty appreciation program to allow students to express their gratitude to their professors. The team meats at 8:20 p.m. on Wednesday nights.
Junior Kennah Foster presented on behalf of the Activities Committee along with Jayden Carter and Philip Fitzsimmons. The committee plans to pack a full theater of students to watch Mulan on Sunday, March 29. In April, the annual Easter egg hunt will take place along with an end-of-year bash and the finals resort.
According to Cami McDonald, the SGA has approved $6,369 in funding requests. The Appropriations Committee has $2,631 remaining in its budget.
The Elections and Operations Committee is in full swing with elections coming up. Filing for students to enter the race will run through Wednesday, March 4, at 5 p.m. Campaigning will begin on Thursday, March 5, and elections will take place on March 12-13.
Nash Scott, head of Campus Improvements, completed his goal to buy blinds for the Brew. The committee plans to remodel Eagle Media in the communication department along with residential life improvements to acquire a water fountain for Fails. The team also intends to invest in a new basketball court for Phase 3 and 4 apartments.
In the future, the Campus Improvements Committee hopes to create a mural in memoriam for students who have passed away recently. Additionally, the committee wants to increase Oklahoma Christian University’s green initiative.
Grace Simpson presented on behalf of the Campus Spirit Committee. This semester, the committee fundraised for the Student Athletic Advisory Council. The team plans to fundraise for the Down Syndrome Association for Central Oklahoma and host a send-off for the golf and bowling teams.
While the Multicultural Committee has not spent any of their budget, committee chair Thomas Caldwell has big plans for the rest of the semester. Tea and Tough Topics will make a return next week, providing students with an opportunity to get a kudo.
The Spiritual Life Committee is planning a week of chapel composed entirely of student leaders from March 23-24.
The SGA will not meet next week due to Spring Sing.
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