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9:15 a.m. – Campus Conditions and End of Weather Updates

In a brief email correspondence with Neil Arter, Oklahoma Christian University’s Dean of Students, Arter disclosed the anticipated conditions for campus today.

“We will continue to watch the storm today,” Arter said. “It has been our expectation that this one might miss us.  We are ready to respond if something develops. We also have our eye on some potential weather next week.”’s forecast for Oklahoma City indicates that it is currently 27 degrees Fahrenheit but feels like 11 degrees due to wind chill. Both the actual temperature and what it feels like are expected to warm by a few degrees throughout the day.

Snow forecasts have not altered: no more than an inch is expected to accumulate between 10 a.m. and noon, according to the National Weather Service for Norman, OK.

The crashes mentioned in a previous post are no longer present on KFOR’s traffic radar, and no other crashes or slow downs are indicated at the time of posting.

These forecasts and comments indicate that campus-closing inclement weather no longer appears likely – this concludes the Talon’s coverage of the weather.

In the absence of the Talon’s coverage there are multiple resources available to stay informed on weather-related conditions, many of which can be found listed in this article.

Stay informed, safe, and warm.

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