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The Academics Committee Supports Student-Faculty Connections

The Student Government Association academics committee at Oklahoma Christian University works to build connections between students and faculty on campus to improve campus life.

Cameron Freeman, the chair of the academics committee, said the committee is responsible for connecting people on campus.

“The academics committee is set up to help students and the faculty,” Freeman said. “[The committee] builds a bridge between them successfully.”

Freeman said the academics committee’s goal for this year is to recognize impactful leaders on campus. 

“Achievable goals are to give recognition to people that deserve recognition and do just little things that are asked of us around campus,” Freeman said.

During the Fall 2021 semester, the academics committee supported the on-campus retirement party celebrating the long careers of Bob Gregg and Clyde Antwine, both retired professors of Missionary in Residence. 

“We presented them with a gift, and [we were] thanking them for their time here at OC,” Freeman said.

Representing students’ appreciation for retired professors and preparing gifts are part of the academics committee’s responsibilities. Katie Martinez, a sponsor of  SGA, is proud of the work that the committee has done.

“I know honoring people who have left here is a big deal, and we’re thankful for their time and then [the academics committee did] little ways that we can show them meanwhile,” Martinez said.

Recently, the academics committee set up new goals for next semester. One new goal is reaching out to students and faculty more and listening to their voices. 

“We want to get some feedback at the end of the semester and see what the student body and some of the faculty need,” Freeman said. “We’re going to set up our feedback system in the next coming week.”

Martinez hopes the feedback system will help both students and faculty.

“Hopefully that can build a better relationship between the professors and students, specifically professors of concern or professors who are doing a great job, and we hope we can get both sides of feedback,” Martinez said. “We are positive that it’ll be a good system that we can work out.”

The academic committee had an event in 2019 to provide a space outside of the cafeteria where students could write notes of engagement or thankfulness to professors and members of the committee delivered the notes.

“It was more positive than it was just feedback in general,” Martinez said. “I thought that was neat and we would love to see that again if it’s possible.”

Freeman and members of the academics committee also discussed a new event during the committee meeting. 

“We discussed what we can do for students and faculty,” Freeman said. “We want to look at trying to put together some kind of award system for good academics and good faculty next semester.”

Freeman said the committee is open to ideas from students on how to improve life on campus.

“If you know anybody you think needs recognition or something, just submit [your request] to anyone,” Freeman said. “[The committee meeting] is open to anyone that wants to come in.”

The academics committee takes suggestions and questions from students when needed.

If you want to know more about activities by other committees of SGA, click here.

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