Dermot Kennedy, who has the voice of an Irish god, or at least what I would imagine an Irish god to sound like, released his debut album on Friday, Oct. 4. Honestly, I have to say I was let down. I have nothing I hate about the album; overall, I like it. I just do not love it. I was expecting more, and I just did not get that.
I do not know what it is. I like the album, I really do. His voice is fantastic. With every song, his singing overpowers your entire being, although this album did ruin my previous favorite Dermot song for me. Released as a single in 2015, “An Evening I Will Not Forget” was given to the public as a beautiful acoustic masterpiece. But it was changed on this album; synths and auto-tune were added and the whole instrumental base of this song overpowers his voice and completely butchers a beautiful song.
On a much more positive note, this album did present me with new options to replace “An Evening I Will Not Forget” as my favorite Dermot song. As of now, “Rome” takes the cake.
“Rome” is a lyrical masterpiece about a potential heartbreak and the events and feelings which took place at this moment. Dermot seems to be reminiscing on the past when their love was pure and free. But, as with every relationship, it hit a low point, and they almost lost it all. The opening lyrics to this song are probably forever trapped in my mind.
“So, what’s the past for? I’ll need it if love don’t last long/ You can run around infinite in my head.”
Basically, in these two lines, he is saying, what was the point in all the good times they had if they are just going to give up over one fight? He is going to need the past if he loses her because that will be the only connection he has with her.
Another beauty from the album, “Dancing Under Red Skies,” is a breakup song which depicts the beauty and hurt in heartbreak. Dermot is able to present us with the realism of the aftermath of a lost relationship and the thoughts which plague one’s mind.
“Let me tell you, no one ever got my soul right like she could, yeah,” Dermot sings in the chorus.
This is my favorite line in the song because it is so relatable. Everyone has felt as though no one will ever get them the same again after that one special person leaves them. Getting over someone you love is one of the hardest things to do. It takes every bone in your being to force yourself to get over them, and this is the theme of this song.
Ultimately, this album did give us good music but nothing great. . I have been hyping up Dermot Kennedy since he released “Moments Passed” and had high expectations for this album which were not ultimately met.
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