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Aliens and a case for theism

I firmly believe in infinity.

By that I mean I am a theist – one who believes in a deity.

Growing up, my mom would have us watch “Bill Nye, the Science Guy” and other educational videos instead of the shows like “The Powerpuff Girls”. What I never understood was how so many scientists could look at all of reality and say that humans are the most intelligent beings in the universe.

Because that is what atheism is really saying. If you’re against theism, against the belief in a deity, than you are making the claim that nothing in the universe is supreme.

Either you: Believe in an infinite universe and still believe there is no way a god, a supernatural being, could occur at all in that infinity. Or, you reject infinity and simply believe human capacity will reach a breaking point and that there is no greater outcome for the world – essentially, there is no hope.

To assume that we are the most intelligent beings in the universe is to show our human weakness of arrogance. The bigger the universe and all of reality is, the more likely it is that there are greater beings than us in this vastness. And one would only have to look as far as this video to acknowledge that our observable universe is so vast that to assume a capped reality is completely illogical.

Each year science makes great discoveries. Since the beginning of humans, we have progressed. Every time one human thought something was impossible, another human proved them wrong.

There are innumerable quotes of leaders who believed we had reached our capacity for human invention at which we can now laugh.

This is one of my favorites:

“I also lay aside all ideas of any new works or engines of war, the invention of which long-ago reached its limit, and in which I see no hope for further improvement…”

Sextus Julius Frontinus, governor of Britania, 84 C.E.

Scientists are all about measurements, tests and data. Well, if the universe truly is infinite, the chance of someone else out there is not only logical, but almost indubitable. And so the chance one of them creating a world like our own is very high – and the chance that one of them created us is even greater.

The only way to reject theism logically is to reject infinity.

I think we’ve known this all along. If space really exists in the enormity that it truly is, than there must be something else out there. Even Richard Dawkins believed there is a possibility of higher beings.

That is why we imagined up these green, supernatural beings called aliens and dreamed up ways they would want to interact with us. Humans ache to transcend the state in which we are in and so continuously create and recreate our world and our reality.

People don’t want to believe in a deity because they think it will restrict them; but the opposite is true. To be an atheist requires the belief that infinity does not exist and that our potential has a hard set of limits.

I won’t pretend I’m a scientist or any sort of authority on the matter of science, but I do know that if it is logical to believe in infinity, than it is logical to believe in a god.

So in all truth, the belief in a deity is acceptance of an infinite potential. To believe in a deity is to believe the potential of humans are greater than anything we can imagine. And so in theism, we are free to transcend.

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