Nearing the end of my time here at Oklahoma Christian University, I look back at my “OC life.” When I was a freshman if I had seen the first line of this article I would have rolled my eyes. But leaving this place, I have a different view on life. This place will change you, if you let it. Sometimes that’s a good thing, other times it could be considered bad. For me, I’ve grown in more ways than one.
I’m not writing to give advice – there are people better suited for that. I’m not writing this as a farewell from Oklahoma Christian because I plan on being involved with this university for years to come. I’m writing for myself and for you, the person reading this.
When thinking about this article I examined my college life. There were good times, great times and sad times. Everyone has his or her stories. The point is I examined myself; a true reflection of my life. This is something we don’t do very often. You’ve heard the old saying “you’re perfect the way you are.” Respectfully, I disagree. This may come off as offensive, but you’re not perfect and neither am I. But why is that a bad thing? Why don’t we examine ourselves?
Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” So why do we hide and pretend we are perfect? Yes, we sin. Yes, we mess up, and no, this school will not protect you from sin, but it will help you examine yourself. One of my favorite passages says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith….” 2 Corinthians 13:5. Only you (and God of course) know what goes on behind closed doors. In other words check yourself, before you wreck yourself.
I said before that I wasn’t going to give advice and that was a true statement. I will however leave it to your interpretation. How would you write a reflection at the end of your Oklahoma Christian career? How would you examine yourself, or would you even try?
In closing, I love my school, but if there is one thing it has taught me it is that the people attending this school are what truly matter. As I go out into the world at the end of December I will hold onto what I’ve learned. I may become a farmer, accountant, preacher, mechanic or even end up with a Ph.D The one thing that will remain the same is that I will be a Christian and an Eagle at heart.
Austin Hughes is a senior at Oklahoma Christian University.
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