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Get more than a ring by spring

Oklahoma Christian University, like most Christian campuses, is often referred to as a “marriage factory.” I fell in love and got engaged here, as did many of my friends, so I can’t deny that there’s something unique about this place. But have we ever considered what exactly that is?

I know many students claim people come here to get their “MRS” degree, and that may very well be true for some, but definitely not for all.

Have you ever considered the possibility that so many students find their husband or wife here because we surround ourselves with people who have our same beliefs, similar life goals and moral code? That is a characteristic unique to Christian campuses.

Religion, family tradition and money are probably the three most important parts of a marriage. Isn’t it more likely to find someone with similar values at a small Christian university than a larger state school?

Obviously not every student on this campus is Church of Christ, has the same family traditions or came from the same economic class, but I would venture to say many of us grew up being taught fairly similar things about these topics.

Oklahoma Christian has a bad rap for attracting students solely for the purpose of finding their “soul mates.” I don’t find that a particularly great reason to spend more than $25,000 per year and countless hours studying for something that may or may not happen. And before you think about asking the university to adopt a strict “Ring by spring or your money back policy,” consider the bigger picture here.

If you’re coming to a Christian university to find a faithful significant other, maybe you should focus on your own faith and trust in God’s timing. God could have “the one” chosen for you and led you both to this campus; that’s wonderful. But it won’t happen to everyone. God knows his plans for you even if his plans and yours don’t align at first.

One thing that will always be great about this university is the importance it places on the development of its students, both educationally and spiritually. Oklahoma Christian has given its students countless opportunities to participate in something bigger than them. Yes, for some that might mean finding the perfect man or woman in their first month of school, but for others it will mean serving the Lord in a foreign country or creating or inventing something that will change lives.

An education from Oklahoma Christian is highly valued in this community and should be the reason you attend. I can’t count how many times I’ve told someone I am an Oklahoma Christian student and heard how great of a school it is.

That being said, if you happen to stumble across your future spouse while you’re a student here, great. I hope that person will lift you up and encourage you. Just don’t let that be your only reason for coming to this university.

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