“Spring Sing is the root of all my problems.”
This was my comment in class upon realizing my impending sleep deprivation and complex academic schedule for Spring Sing show week. I have to constantly ask myself the question, “Is Spring Sing worth it?” Is this socially constructed event worth the never-ending practices, constant frustration and the sheer humiliation of wearing orange face paint and a bright green wig amongst a mass of upperclassmen?
The answer is yes.
Becoming slightly obsessed Delta’s twitter account, waiting anxiously for club night and constantly reviewing choreography are just a few of the side effects that come with participating in Spring Sing, and I never want to miss out on any of it. Despite the lingering regret looming in the back of my head at almost every practice, I admit I will probably participate in Spring Sing every year of my college career.
Before participating in the show, I could never understand why students with a million responsibilities and not enough hours in a day would willingly choose to engage in such a time-consuming activity. But, after practicing for more than 40 hours and meeting friends who I would have never met otherwise, I fully understand the hype surrounding Spring Sing.
Students seem to have a wide variety of opinions concerning Spring Sing. Some talk about Spring Sing all year long in preparation for the next show, while others refuse to even watch the event in a sort of silent rebellion. But, as cliché as it sounds, Spring Sing is about so much more than making a fool out of yourself and perfecting choreography. This event is about promoting a spirit of unity on campus that transcends generations.
But, before committing blood, sweat and tears into an irreplaceable experience, I think students must put everything into perspective. Spring Sing is not that important. Straight lines don’t matter that much. Sleep is necessary. During the first week practice, I had a difficult time understanding these simple ideas, and I will be the first to admit the Spring Sing season has taken a toll on my academic and social life.
I’ve learned vital skills concerning discipline, time management and character building in the process. Even though the event takes an immense amount of time and effort, the infinite amount of memories and experiences students make during Spring Sing can never be replaced.
Experiencing Spring Sing for the first time is special, but I know when I come back years later as an alumni of Oklahoma Christian, I will look past the hours I spent in Hardeman Auditorium and remember all of the fond memories made with friends.
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