Invigorating President Donald Trump’s base and rattling the nerves of Joe Biden supporters, this year’s Republican National Convention left little to the imagination when outlining the party’s goals.
Taking place in Charlotte, North Carolina, this convention focused on not just re-nominating incumbent Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, but dispelling much of the messaging behind the riots and criticism over the Trump presidency.
Beginning the RNC on Monday, Aug. 24, the convention’s first day was themed “Land of Promise.” This was highlighted in the speeches, primarily through contrasting fears of Biden and the Democrats’ opportunity to tarnish the great nation with President Trump’s vision for greatness.
The roll call of the delegates ensued and renominated President Trump, who after Vice President Mike Pence, made a surprise appearance and speech, calling the 2020 election “the most important election in the history of our country.” Following that remark were warnings of the Democrats’ effort to manipulate the election results using the mail-in ballots. “What they’re doing, is using COVID to steal an election. They’re using COVID to defraud the American people, all of our people of a fair and free election,” President Trump later stated.
Among some of the noteworthy consecutive speakers was Kimberly Guilfoyle, girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr. and head of the Trump campaign’s financing. She spoke in a chilling Orwellian manner about a Democrat-run country. In her loud and unapologetic speech, she exclaimed, “they want to destroy this country and everything that we have fought for and hold dear. They want to steal your liberty, your freedom, they want to control what you see and think and believe so that they can control the way you live.”
Other notable speakers included Sen. Jim Jordan, Donald Trump Jr. and most memorably, Sen. Tim Scott, whose closing speech touched on race relations and the strength of this nation. “Our country is experiencing something none of us envisioned. From a global pandemic to the deaths of George Flyod and Breonna Taylor, 2020 has tested our nation in ways we haven’t seen in decades,” the South Carolina senator stated. Scott closed by stating that this election is “not solely about Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It’s about the promise of America.”
Day two began with a video of President Trump officially pardoning Jon Ponder, a felon convicted of bank-robbery. Ponder spoke about making a promise to Christ to spend the rest of his life serving God. This was among the most heartwarming events at the RNC.
Following the pardon, a speech from Sen. Rand Paul was shown. The Kentucky senator encouraged voters to compare President Trump’s record to the “disastrous” one of Biden. Paul’s night got much more intense than expected, after videos on Twitter featured him and his wife being swarmed, screamed at and aggressively pursued by hostile protesters on the streets of Washington D.C. following the second night’s conclusion.
Making history as the first Secretary of State in modern history to deliver a convention speech, Mike Pompeo spoke remotely from Jerusalem about the president’s success in keeping our liberty intact and “leading bold initiatives around the world.”
Among those notable speakers related to the president, his wife Melania Trump spoke about the “invisible enemy,” COVID-19. She offered sympathies and prayers to those who have lost someone to the virus.
Much like the DNC’s third day, the RNC’s day three, entitled “Land of Heroes,” seemed to lose some of the gained momentum. As no surprise, the night revolved around honoring law enforcement and national defense.
The most memorable of speakers was Vice President Mike Pence, who delivered remarks to veterans and other audience members at Ft. McHenry in Baltimore. The location was the site of the 1812 battle, which became the birthplace of the U.S. national anthem.
The vice president said, “the hard truth is this, you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America. And under President Trump, we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line and we’re not going to defund the police. Not now. Not ever.”
The emphasis on law enforcement is likely due to the recent civil unrest and violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where on Sunday, a 29-year-old man, Jacob Blake was shot fatally in the back by police.
Concluding the RNC, day four, themed “Land of Greatness,” featured a hard-hitting speech from President Trump on the White House Lawn, targeting Biden and the Democrats’ agenda.
President Trump’s speech was over an hour and nine minutes long and undoubtedly impassioned. The president continually highlighted the stakes of the 2020 election, saying, “your vote will decide whether we protect law-abiding Americans or whether we give free reign to violent anarchists and agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens. And this election will decide whether we will defend the American way of life, or whether we will let a radical movement completely dismantle and destroy it.”
The convention’s ending fireworks display was just icing on the cake and ultimately a wake-up call to Democrats that this election is not over.
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