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Student Body President Opening Address: A Campus in Which the Lord Delights

By Abigail Kent

Hello and welcome to another wonderful year at Oklahoma Christian University. My name is Abigail Kent, I am a senior public communication and leadership major from Edmond, Oklahoma. This year I have the distinct privilege to serve as the student body president, essentially serving as a liaison between the Oklahoma Christian administration and the student body, as well as providing a vision for our Student Government Association. I could not be more excited and honored to represent and equip the students of Oklahoma Christian for the sake of bettering the campus and improving the world around us. 

As I gain a clearer understanding of what this role requires of me, my thoughts also wander to what my role as a follower of Jesus Christ requires of me. The Lord is gracious to answer this query with great clarity throughout Scripture. One particular, topical passage is especially well known and straightforward. Micah 6:8 states, “He has told you what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” This verse presents three clear characteristics which distinguish the lives of the people of God. These biblical expectations shape my heart for the coming year at Oklahoma Christian. I believe pursuing these qualities would continue to revolutionize our campus into a place of joy, inclusion and leadership. 

The first concept mentioned in Micah 6:8 is to “do justice.” It is no secret the world is full of darkness and depravity. It is also no secret the Lord cares deeply for people who find themselves in disadvantaged positions in society. As Christians, we are given to the opportunity to see the world the way the Lord sees it and to defend those who have no ability to defend themselves. We are called to push back the darkness, in anticipation of his second coming when everything will be made whole again. I encourage you to turn your interests and passions into a pursuit for truth and justice. Follow personal conviction rather than public opinion. Allow your passion to transform campus as you seek ways to make a difference in the community

Second, Micah 6:8 states God’s people are to “love kindness.” Too often, we become so focused on enforcing the principle of justice we overlook the purpose of justice, which is to affirm the worth of all people. This affirmation reveals itself in kind words and steadfast love as much as, if not more than, a societal movement. I pray we would see people as people, extending grace to those around us without a thought toward their differences. Let us fight for unity and forgiveness within the body of Christ. Let us use the power of our words and actions to magnify the name of the Lord. 

Finally, Micah 6:8 encourages the people of God to “walk humbly.” What a miracle it is we can walk with God. What a gift to be able to relate to a holy God despite our shortcomings. If Christ humbled himself from the riches of heaven to offer us the free gift of salvation, how much more should we also humble ourselves to the will of the Lord? This life is not about us. That truth should free us to live sold out for the Lord, utterly dependent on his provision and strength. Pastor and theologian John Piper phrased it best when he said, “Humility means reveling in his grace, not our goodness.” 

My vision for this coming year at Oklahoma Christian is this: we continue to be a campus of people in whom the Lord delights as we fall deeper in love with our Savior and desire to reflect sacrificial, humble love to those around us. As we tell the world our stories and pursue advances in the world around us, may others distinctly see the people of God. 

I am excited to see what the Lord does in us and through us this year. God bless you all. 


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