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Posts published in “Opinions”

A blue Halloween

By Nick Thomas   Halloween is easily one of my favorite holidays. There’s a lot to love about Halloween, but what’s the best part? Is…

Clinton vs. Lewinsky: the final showdown

It has been 16 years since President Bill Clinton’s affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky became public knowledge. Since President Clinton’s impeachment, Hillary Clinton…

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Measuring spirituality is impossible. Also impossible: trying to force people to worship God. It just doesn’t work. So when you require someone to worship God…

Reminder: an airplane is still missing

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 with its 239 passengers on board went missing seven months ago. On Oct. 13 it was announced the airplane did not…

One for one: buying shoes is not enough

By Jonathan Johnson   Toms Shoes, through its “One for One” initiative, created and perfected a business model that gives a pair of shoes to…

Did you hear about gossip?

Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite little pet sin – gossip. People spend a fifth to two-thirds or more of their daily conversations gossiping, according to…

Rock the vote

By Garrett Marshall In the presidential election of 2012, Oklahoma ranked 49th in voter turnout. That’s right, our great state of Oklahoma was second to…

The war of 2014

We are in a war. Is this reality really so unfamiliar to us? Why is it during World War II, the whole nation felt the…