If you grew up playing sports, you’ve probably heard the cliché phrase, “The name on the front of your jersey is way more important than the name on the back.”
That very true statement still rings relevant today in our college years.
The things you do and the things you say reflect who you are. Hopefully, that’s enough to motivate you each day to be the best person that you can be. Encourage someone, compliment a friend and listen instead of speak to give yourself a good name and reputation.
But it doesn’t stop there. The things you do and the things you say reflect on your close group of friends. If your best friend is a bully, you’re probably a bully too – at least in the eyes of those around you.
If you’re in a social service club, the things you do and the things you say reflect what your club is like. If you have a bad temper on the intramural fields or you take Spring Sing too seriously, guess what, your entire club has that exact same reputation. Your negative behavior sheds a negative light on the people in the same club as you. So if it isn’t motivating enough to better yourself for the sake of yourself and your best friend, do it for the reputations of the 50 other people in your club.
The things we say and the things we do reflect the people at Oklahoma Christian University. The campus tour guides are always warned to be careful of what we post on social media. Why? Because we are the faces of Oklahoma Christian. If we say something or post something that sends up a red flag in a prospective student’s mind, they’ll have a bad feeling about our beloved university. You don’t have to be an employee of the university to have a prospective student on social media either. It’s become popular for students who have been accepted to Oklahoma Christian to add current students on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Someone is always watching us.
The things we say and the things we do reflect a much greater person than ourselves, our friends, our fellow club members and our classmates – they represent Christ. If an Atheist or a believer of another religion sees or hears the negative things that most Christians do, they automatically assume that all Christians are like that. They assume Christ is like that. They assume Christ is a drunkard, a pervert, vulgar, hateful, lazy and greedy.
This is not a call for everyone at Oklahoma Christian University to be perfect. This is a challenge for every person affiliated with Oklahoma Christian to recognize that your personal actions do affect something much greater than just yourself.
Christ, your university, your club members and your friends are relying on you.
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