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Posts published in “Opinions”

OC is mission

In coming up with what I would write for this article, I went through many potential ideas. I could complain about how those banners in…

Unrealistic expectations

Most people don’t complain about Disney. But when they do, they complain about how it gives young people unrealistic expectations about things such as life,…

Preemptive action for North Korea

North Korea is spewing a new string of threats aimed at the United States. noted that North Korea is threatening to aim nuclear weapons…

All sins are equal

If you don’t support same-sex marriage, you probably hate gay people. And any race other than your own, and anyone from a different social status…

Confessions: fact or fiction?

Written by: Taylor Gordon   Everyone has secrets. Usually they are never shared with anyone, or maybe just shared with a few close friends. The…

Church of Christ teachers

There will always be rules that people don’t like, no matter where they go or what setting they are in. Students at Oklahoma Christian University…

Online disinhibition effects

Am I alone when I say I hate confrontation? I know, it’s lame, and confrontation builds character, but I can’t stand it. If I disagree…