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Posts published in “Opinions”

Looking for a silver lining

Anticipation is the act of looking forward to something, especially a pleasurable expectation. At the other end of the spectrum is dread. There are so…

Poppin’ tags

I’ll be honest, I still have no idea what “poppin’ tags”  means, and I have never  invested in a broken keyboard, skeet blanket or anything…

I’m a people-pleaser, people

I’m a people-pleaser. It’s a flaw. I simply hate letting others down. In high school, I was known as the girl you could count on.…

Where is God in Spring Sing?

Written by: Ryan Major   At Oklahoma Christian University, “Faith[fully]” is our slogan. We attend chapel every weekday and are greeted by Bible verses hung…

Use the carrot or the stick?

I’ve never really understood the logic behind attendance policies. I mean, I understand that it’s necessary for students to attend class so they can further…

Whining and complaining

People love to complain. It makes us feel better, and every day we find things to complain about. Our complaining does not typically help our…

Making club unity a priority

Written by: Caleb Eggleston   It’s that time of year again. Spring Sing is almost over and intramurals are coming to a close. As I…