Molly Odell
Gamma Rho
Some intramural athletes show up to one sport for a year or two, then drop off the face of the planet, never to be seen again. Then there are intramural athletes who are major assets for their team during their entire intramural career. Molly Odell is an example of the latter, being a star player and then some for Gamma during her time at Oklahoma Christian.
In the last three years, she has been a key player in helping Gamma win the all sports title for the 14th consecutive time. At the A league soccer final, she did everything from assists, which set her teammates up for success, to free kicks, which she turned into goals. Odell has done a lot for Gamma Rho intramurals and will be sorely missed as she graduates this semester.
1. What was it like playing in the championship game?
It was so much fun. I love getting to play with my friends. These girls make it worth it more than anything. They are my biggest supporters, biggest cheerleaders, and they just make it the most fun. They make it worth it every time.
2. What was it like playing your very last intramural game here at Oklahoma Christian?
There were a lot of emotions, but I think more than anything, it was just a reminder to have fun while it lasts. Nothing is really that serious, so I just had fun and really soaked in the good time with my friends.
3. Are there any special memories you want to highlight from playing intramurals at Oklahoma Christian?
Last year, in one of our softball games, I was pitching the ball when all star athlete Peyton Balbin cranked it right into my butt cheek. That is very memorable for a lot of reasons.
Brandon Jones
Delta Gamma Sigma
With under 10 minutes left in the championship game, it looked like Delta was going to finish another school year failing to win a single A league championship. That was when Brandon Jones stepped up. Jones worked through the Kappa defense to finally punch in the first goal for Delta, which started a cascading effect as Delta took the momentum and kept the pressure on. With Jones still around, expect Delta to be heavy favorites to defend their soccer championship next year.
1. What is it like being out there on the pitch with all of your brothers?
It’s great, surrounded by a great group of guys. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
2. Kappa has really stepped it up since your regular season matchup with them. How did you guys handle the team taking things to the next level?
We just had to keep our composure, keep playing the way we had been. Keep shooting, soon they’ll go in.
3. Anything you are looking forward to in next year’s intramurals?
Winning soccer again.
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