With final exams approaching, an Oklahoma Christian University tradition breaks the mold by creating a stress-free environment for students, faculty and staff during finals week.
“Personally, I think the late-night breakfast is one of my favorite events,” sophomore Ellie Johnson said. “You can socialize with friends before leaving for the semester and take a break from studying for finals. Plus, students are served by the OC faculty and staff, which is so unique.”
According to Neil Arter, Oklahoma Christian vice president and dean of student life, the late-night breakfast started as a midnight breakfast.
However, Arter said students and faculty found it too difficult to be enthusiastic about the midnight breakfast because they wanted to be able to get a restful night of sleep before exams the following day. The result was the midnight breakfast being moved from midnight to 10 p.m. and being renamed as late-night breakfast.
“The late-night breakfast is a result of the outpouring of kindness from the on-campus food service company,” Arter said. “Kurt Hermanson, president of UDining, thought it would be a great way for a break during finals week and it seems that he was right with as well attended as the event is.”
Oklahoma Christian faculty and staff work with UDining to make the event possible. The faculty and staff are responsible for serving food and drinks, cleanup of the dining hall before and after and various other roles to make the night go smoothly.
“I love seeing all the students get together, and I get to be Lois for the night,” Bible Professor Kent Hartman said. “I count students in and that’s fun for me because I get to see every one of them as they come through. I get to joke with them a little bit and I occasionally sing to them as well.”
According to Arter, faculty and staff get pretty territorial about their jobs for the breakfast, even President John deSteiguer.
“The cinnamon rolls have become his thing,” Arter said. “He gets very funny about it, but I hope it sends the message to our campus as a whole about how willing our president is to come out and serve.”
Former men’s basketball coach Dan Hays will assume his annual role as DJ. Arter said that Hays will be expected to play The Temptations, his personal favorite.
Hartman said the breakfast is a chance to have fun and fellowship together as the Oklahoma Christian community.
“It has nothing to do with how much it costs to put on, and it’s not about the breakfast being the greatest in the world,” Arter said. “It’s about us enjoying the encouragement and togetherness.”
Arter said his favorite part of the evening is interacting with students in various capacities whether it’s serving juice or picking up their trash. He said he likes the opportunity to look students in the eyes and wish them good luck on their final exams before they leave for the semester.
“The campus taking a break for a quick meal altogether during the busyness and stress of finals is wonderful,” Arter said. “It promotes the community that we value at OC and I love that.”
The late-night breakfast is Monday, April 25 in the Oklahoma Christian cafeteria. Doors open at 10 p.m. Arter said students should bring a friend and see if the late-night breakfast can have its largest attendance yet.
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