The saying “sometimes your life is the only bible a person will ever read: could stand true in the workplace.
According to senior Kristen Lindsey, her father always finds ways to speak with and minister to his co-workers.
“My dad does a great job of always talking about his family at work, and when we come visit him at work sometimes, we’re always excited to see him,” Lindsey said. “People ask him afterwards ‘How do you get your family to be so close, to respect you and to respect each other?’ That opens great doors for him.”
According to Lindsey, her father worked with a couple of people who were going through tough times in their lives, and he did not just dismiss their struggles.
“He invests in people, and he really asks them, ‘Hey, are you doing okay? Is there anything you need help with or want to talk about?’” Lindsey said. “He’s just always helping people find options.”
Lindsey said that it is important to have a well-rounded career, which is why she decided to come to Oklahoma Christian University.
“Every field needs somebody who is going to live a different life,” Lindsey said. “Therefore, I hope to be very relational and supportive of my co-workers and be open to talk to them and open to live my life with them and build them up. Hopefully they will see that there’s something different in me.”
Sophomore Amanda Jones said that she could have a harder time remaining faithful to her beliefs as she pursues a career that might directly challenge them.
“I’m a public relations advertising major, and I want to eventually work with a sports team or pretty significant business such as Chesapeake or Devon,” Jones said.
According to Jones, she understands the difficulty she will face, and said that if a person sticks true to what he or she believes in, it will result in success
“You need to find a company that will respect your beliefs and moral standards,” Jones said. “I think that’s one of the most important things when looking for a job. You’re not just looking at the salary; you’re looking at the type of environment you will be in, and what type of co-workers you will have.”
Jones said attitude is important in the workplace and points to Matthew 7:20 which states, “Ye shall know them by them by their fruits.”
“I think that being a Christian is not just a religion, but it’s also a lifestyle, and you exemplify that in everything you do,” Jones said. “Making that known, they’ll have more respect for you.”
According to Jones, she will strive to be a Christian with steadfast faith and a vessel to save souls.
“I think that any workplace, school ground or any place where you can make an impact on people is a mission ground,” Jones said. “I think that with working with different groups here at OC and attending a public high school, you always have the chance to make an impact on people and in their lives. I think the workplace is also the perfect place to be an undercover missionary.”
Resident Director Brittney Nixon said that if a person can’t see Christ at all times when looking at one’s life, then they are not truly sharing Christ with the world.
“Although I work at a Christian school and am surrounded by Christians everyday, I still believe it’s important to display a positive image through the way I conduct myself and through my interactions with others,” Nixon said.
Nixon said she tries to be a good example for those around her.
“My job as a resident director goes beyond room check and making the girls follow the rules,” Nixon said. “To the disciples, Jesus was not only the savior, but a role model – someone to pattern their lives after. I’m responsible for sharing Christ’s love with these girls and being a role model to them and for them.”
According to Nixon, it is a test of faith and obedience when working with those who have different values.
“We’re called by Christ to let our lights shine continually, meaning everyday and at all times,” Nixon said. “Your Christian duty doesn’t change just because you go to work and don’t get along with your co-workers. True and strong faith is reached when you learn to put self and differences aside in order to save a soul for Christ.”
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