In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Oklahoma Christian University’s Public Relations Student Society of America’s (PRSSA) chapter launched its Pink Pumpkins campaign last week to raise awareness for the disease and all those affected on campus.
Junior PRSSA Officer Nicole Lawrence said she decided to bring attention toward the cause, because she did not see anything done on campus to support breast cancer.
She decided to make the focus of the campaign pink pumpkins because of the Breast Cancer Awareness Society’s famous pink ribbons, as well as the fact that Halloween is just around the corner.
“With it being October, I thought putting a spin on it with the pink pumpkins was a good idea,” Lawrence said. “We live in a world where, as sad as it is, cancer has become normal. You hear, ‘Oh, someone else just got diagnosed with breast cancer.’ I do not want it to become a mundane thing.”
The campaign’s first event was a pumpkin painting project. Members of the social service club Theta Theta Theta helped paint pumpkins to place around campus to raise awareness of the campaign.
Senior Justyne Procida, a member of Theta, helped Lawrence paint the pumpkins and said it was a rewarding experience to be a part of a group helping such a worthy cause.
According to her, it is important to raise awareness about these issues, because you never know what the people around you are going through.
“There are a lot of students who are going through things like this,” Procida said. “Your fellow students could be going through something that you don’t know about. This is why these causes are important. You could be helping these students out and not even knowing it. It is always good to have a support group and to have people that help you with the things that are close to your heart.”
Lawrence said her goal in launching this campaign is to raise awareness, but more than that, to educate students about breast cancer, how young it occurs and what they can do to help prevent it.
“Hopefully, people are going to understand that this is a big issue,” Lawrence said. “Our goal is to spread the truth about breast cancer. We think that when we are young, we have all the time in the world, when in reality, many young women are affected by this disease. Our goal is also to pray for those affected and give them hope that there is healing.”
PRSSA has multiple events planned for the rest of the month to help students get involved with the campaign.
“We have a PSA out to help teach others facts about breast cancer,” Lawrence said. “We are going to have a prayer walk where we are hoping to get the names of those who have, have had or have lost their battle with breast cancer. At the Halloween carnival for homecoming, we are going to have a pumpkin decorating table, and the best pumpkin will win a gift card.”
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