This week, Oklahoma Christian University’s Student Government Association held a town hall in addition to its weekly meeting. Senators helped facilitate discussions concerning housing updates, the new academic guideline and the Ethos program.
The town hall began with a focus on current SGA projects for the semester, including an off-campus proposal initiated by senators to reasonably loosen housing restrictions. Additionally, the SGA recently passed a rule in their constitution to make the executive vice president the head of communication for the association.
Chief Academic Officer Scott LaMascus gave a short presentation about the new academic guideline to go into effect next semester. Tina Winn, dean of liberal arts, also helped answer student questions pertaining to the subject matter.
LaMascus said since the university has 600-800 classes in total, it is difficult to monitor all class enrollment and step in at the right moment to make sure Oklahoma Christian is offering classes in financially feasible ways.
“We’ve got to make sure that we’re being good stewards of the money that you pay us, that our patrons give us and that our endowment gives us in order to make Oklahoma Christian the wonderful place that you enjoy,” LaMascus said. “We’re going to give the degree programs that you came here to get.”
According to the SGA executive team, some Oklahoma Christian students are concerned with the Ethos department allowing non-biblically-based Kudo events to take place, such as the “History of Fonts” chapel series. Vice President Taylor Dotson also said some students are uncomfortable with the Safe at Home chapel.
“If you feel like there’s a need for a different kind of Kudo event or service, you can create that yourself,” Dotson said. “If you don’t like some of the chapels that are going on, don’t attend them. I think each chapel that’s being offered does serve some group of students.”
At the weekly SGA meeting this past Wednesday, senators held committee reports to check in with the rest of the association. So far this semester, the association spent approximately $22,000, with approximately $22,000 remaining in their budget.
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