The Student Government Association met on Feb. 21 to discuss a budget request, write thank-you notes and cover upcoming events.
First, a budget request from Oklahoma Christian University’s literary journal, “Soundings,” was discussed. The organization requested money to help cover the cost of printing and the unveiling event. The student body will vote in the next week to approve this request.
Next, the students wrote notes to the Spring Sing Directors of each club to thank them for their hard work over the past two months in preparation for the show.
Lastly, Eagle Eye covered the following upcoming events occurring within the next two weeks:
Softball Home Games: Feb. 24 at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Spring Sing: March 1-2 in Baugh Auditorium
Men’s Basketball Lonestar Conference: March 5-9 at the Comerica Center in Frisco, Texas
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