By Preston Coleman
On June 16 of last year, just two days after his 69th birthday, a renowned businessman and real estate mogul, announced his candidacy for President of the United States in the 2016 election: this man, of course, was Donald Trump.
Since then, he has become the laughingstock of Republican debates and forums, with his self-aggrandizing statements and vicious attacks of fellow GOP candidates serving as a focal point for criticism both by the media and self-proclaimed “political commentators” on social media.
However, Trump has proven that he is a force to be reckoned with, as he currently has a plurality of pledged delegates, and, despite numerous gaffes – both in debates and on social media – still maintains the momentum necessary to clinch the Republican nomination for the presidency.
Trump has been the focus of ridicule by the mainstream media for several months, but after initial success in the Iowa caucus and primaries the Super Tuesday states, Trump has come under serious fire, both around the United States and here on Oklahoma Christian’s campus. Everyone has heard the arguments: “Trump is a racist,” “He’s just in it for the attention,” “He has no real solutions to the problems facing America,” “I’m moving to Canada if Trump gets elected.”
Attacking Trump using this line of thinking, however, is very risky, mainly because Trump himself uses the same type of rhetoric. He has proven that he is unashamed of spotlighting any perceived flaws in his competitors’ physical appearances and mannerisms. If we use the same type of rhetoric, we lose all of our own credibility.
One thing that seems to be missing from criticisms of Donald Trump here at Oklahoma Christian is any discussion of what he actually stands for. We are so content to bash his looks and gestures that we end up losing sight of the bigger picture of Trump’s policies and reforms.
We can do better than this.
Instead of deriding Trump’s prolonged pronunciation of “hyuuuuge,” let’s examine his plan for an overhaul of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Instead of mocking his signature comb-over, let’s discuss his list of seven goals for comprehensive healthcare reform.
Instead of comparing Trump’s skin tone to that of an oddly fluorescent Cheeto, let’s review the intricacies of his tax plan, which could end up saving middle-class families thousands of dollars in income taxes each year. And, yes, let’s talk about the wall he wants to build on the United States’ southern border.
By engaging in real discourse about all the candidates, we will raise the quality of the political discussions taking place on this campus.
Proverbs 27:17 tells us that, “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” While it seems like the rest of the country is mired in ad hominem attacks on the political candidates – especially Trump – we can take this time to ensure that we as a community are building each other up and, with logic and reason, truly considering each candidate’s positions.
Preston Coleman is a junior at Oklahoma Christian University.
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