The end of 2022 brought forth not only a new calendar year, but also a new political landscape in Washington, D.C. after the 2022 Midterm Elections. As a result, fresh contention has emerged between the Democratic Biden administration and the newly elected Republican House of Representatives.
On Tuesday, Jan. 3, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi closed out the session for the 117th Congress, ending the politician’s four year reign as Speaker of the House. With a career politician who consistently passed harmful policy in spite of claiming to work for the people out of the picture, Republicans can now elect their own Speaker of the House.
The most popular, although not the most preferred candidate, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, was appointed on Saturday, Jan. 7. However, more conservative Republican representatives within the House, rightfully nicknamed the “Brave 19” by some social media users, voiced opposition to McCarthy’s election.
Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ) was one of the most outspoken figures against McCarthy and his weak leadership skills, expressing “frustration that McCarthy and Republicans aren’t doing enough to fight ‘radical Leftists’ and are ‘failing to put the brakes on the Left,’” according to a recent article from CBS.
After poor midterm campaigning and planning provided lackluster results for the GOP in November, the bold representatives claimed McCarthy to be ill suited among the upper echelons of the Republican Party in Washington.
After multiple days of negotiation and 15 rounds of voting, the conservative opposition won out in the election for Speaker, as McCarthy conceded on all demands made by the Republican opposition and agreed to failsafes proposed by the conservative representatives.
Ultimately, citizens of the United States can expect more gall from McCarthy, even though it took simple decency to do so from the California congressman.
In addition, the 118th Congress faces new political turmoil as the House stands in the way of the radical inflationary agenda of the Biden administration. While Republicans cannot do much legislatively, they “can leverage their investigative power…On the table, expect the GOP to flex its muscle in all sorts of oversight related to the White House, COVID-19, the southern border and more,” according to USA Today.
Many of the affairs House Republicans intended to investigate were wholly, if not purposefully, ignored by congressional Democrats in order to cheaply protect their party’s image. President Biden and his Cabinet have also attempted to cover up their disastrous executive policy dominating the country, but have been less successful. It seems when a nation is on fire, people will notice the smoke.
With a leadership position for the House of Representatives fulfilled, the GOP can now stand in the way of President Biden’s non-existent plans for border security, partisan pushes for abortion and wasteful usage of taxpayer dollars.
As the country braces for yet another year of Democrat policies in Washington, at least one chamber of Congress has pledged to do what the Founding Fathers intended and better the nation; or at the very least inhibit and expose those in power who refuse to do so.
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