By James Levi Burkett
I’ve been excited to come to Oklahoma Christian for a long time. It’s where my parents met, it’s where I already had lots of friends and it’s where I planned to find the direction that my life would take.
I’ve always loved Oklahoma Christian. My dad is the campus minister at Edmond Church of Christ, so I’ve always known a portion of the students here. A few of my friends that are sophomores this year told me about Earn Your Wings, but no amount of stories could prepare me for how crazy the hub leaders were. Somehow they had more energy than the whole freshman class combined.
One of the other things I loved about Earn Your Wings was the worship. The singing was incredible. It’s an amazing thought that so many Christians from all over the world can come together and sing to the same God. The spiritual aspect of Earn Your Wings was uplifting. Overall, Earn Your Wings was such an excellent opportunity to meet freshman and upperclassmen; and not only just to meet them, but to get to know them really well. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
My first week here at Oklahoma Christian was filled with so many things. I might have sat down in the wrong class on the first day, but you live and you learn. One thing I noticed about classes is how grand the professors are. They seem genuinely excited and invested in our future. Upperclassmen have given the freshmen so much direction this first week too. On behalf of all the freshmen, I would like to say thank you. All in all, my first week was full of new and exciting things.
I looked at a lot of colleges, but Oklahoma Christian has something that no other college does. I know it’s cliche to say this, but Oklahoma Christian really does feel like home. The way the Earn Your Wings staff, the professors and the students here treat us is something that’s not ordinary. OC is home, and I’m looking forward to being a part of this family.
James Levi Burkett is a freshman at Oklahoma Christian University
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