The value of an education from Oklahoma Christian University is great. I should know; I am about to go out into the world with one. There is a lot you can learn in these hallowed halls during class time, but the greatest value you will find is in the people and activities you include yourself in.
The greatest decision I ever made was to join the Talon my freshman year. I didn’t know then that the people I wrote with and went on to work on staff with would become my best friends; the people I would turn to in times of need, the people I would laugh and cry with, the people I would fight and argue with and the people I want to be around.
The most important thing in college is to find people like this. For some this is a social club, where they meet their brothers and sisters that become like family. For others it is those in their department, bonding through assignments and deadlines. Others find their people among their teammates or roommates.
Wherever you find your people, take care of them. Lean on them when you need to and support them when they need it. When you leave this school, these are the people you are going to talk to throughout life. Other people will come and go from your life but the people you bond with and grow close to will stick around.
Through the Talon I met the most amazing people. I had opportunities to interview school and community leaders, national and campus celebrities, professors and students. There is so much you can learn just by taking some time to talk to someone.
Through my career at the Talon I was privileged to work with some amazing people. My editors when I was a writer believed in me and worked with me to help me become a better writer. My fellow editors on an almost entirely new staff sophomore year helped to make it a fun, if not tiring, transition. And my staff the last year and a half has made being editor-in-chief a rewarding job.
The other great thing about this school is the mentors you can find. Through my classes and the Talon I got to know Distinguished Professor of Mass Communication Philip Patterson. Patterson helped me learn about journalism and about myself. Patterson’s classes were tough, and his students were pushed to do more than they thought they were capable of. I learned more from him than I did any other professor. Patterson became a confidant and a respected friend. I learned leadership, responsibility and professionalism.
That is my senior wisdom. No matter what major you choose, no matter how long it takes you to graduate, no matter your situation, find your people. Find the people that will make college the best experience it can be.
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