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How to watch a movie

By Nick Thomas

Anyone that knows me knows that I love movies. But let’s be honest, who doesn’t?

All in all it’s a great experience. Only in movies can you watch famous people yell at each other, beat each other up, and make you laugh or cry.

However, it appears that some people do not love movies the same way I do and continue to miss out on a potentially great experience. So I’ve decided to take it upon myself to inform you readers on how you should conduct yourself whilst at the movies.

1. Talk loudly.

This is key to enjoying the film experience. The only way to understand what is going on is to continually ask your friends: “What is going on?” Anytime you don’t understand what’s happening, be sure and let everyone you’re with know. Be sure and speak loudly, because your friends probably can’t hear you over the movie.

2. Use your cellphone.

There are many great phone apps in this day and age, so why should being at the movies stop you from using them? Personally, I love checking my Snapchats during movies, especially if they’re videos with sound. Tweeting during movies is great too, as you can reveal important plot details to all of your followers. Also, if you happen to find that one hilarious Vine from forever ago, be sure and show your friends, and have a laugh.

3. Share food.

When you go to the movies with your friends, not everyone will purchase snacks, but there will always be that one guy who does. It’s your job to make sure your friend isn’t selfish and shares. If by chance he offers you a handful of popcorn, take two. And while your friend isn’t looking, be sure and get more handfuls, and use your shirt as a kangaroo pouch to gather that buttery corn. Your friend will also probably get a huge soda, so when he or she offers you a small sip, take the biggest gulp of your entire life. Your friend doesn’t need all that soda anyways. If your friend complains that you’re mooching, tell him not to be selfish, and grab more popcorn. He/she will thank you later.

If you follow these suggestions, I can assure you that your movie experience will be greater than before.

P.S. If you don’t like something that’s happening in the movie, be sure and express your frustrations, and toss popcorn at the screen; it’s offered in 3-D nowadays, so surely it must be interactive, right?


Nick Thomas is a junior at Oklahoma Christian University.

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