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OC truly is home

By: Blake Stringer


Oklahoma Christian University’s personal mantra, “OC is Home” has been beaten into every one of our heads for two years, so its meaning has seemingly worn off a little – but when I look back I notice just how true it is to me. I think that the “home” part makes a lot of people uneasy, because they think of their hometown as home, but let me tell you why OC is also your home.

OC is home because it is where your rest your head. This is a very literal way of saying “OC is Home,” but it is still true. This is where you eat, where you study, where you sleep and where you hang out and have fun. Doesn’t that describe your home?

OC is also home because there are people here who love you. I went to a junior college before coming here, and believe me it is nothing like OC. Here your professors care for you and they really do want to see you succeed. Here you have friends who are growing with you every day and who are by your side in the good times and bad. For me, these are my teammates, who I spend every day with. Home is where you have people who love you, so by that definition OC is home.

OC is also home because it is where you are growing up. I know a lot of people think that most of their growing up is behind them by the time they come to college, but I have grown more in the past four years than in all of the other years before this combined. College is where you do the most growing up – the most important growing up.

I know a lot of people roll their eyes when they hear “OC is Home” now, and sometimes I do too. But OC has grown to be my home away from home, and I know there are many others who could say the same.


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