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The official missing source for campus news

By Christian Kincheloe

As a kid, I believed that there were two things that grown, educated adults did: smoked cigars and read the newspaper.

I had this fantasy that I would be the first person in my family to graduate from college and accomplish these tasks. Now that I am in college, I realize how childish my assumptions were and how much I had generalized about college students.

I did have one thing right, though: college students like to be up-to-date on current topics and what is going on around in the world. What better place to find that sought after information than in a newspaper?

Talking with friends on campus I found out that most students, including myself, didn’t even realize that the Talon had gone completely online. I mean, I felt that there was something missing outside of chapel, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I am not going to lie, I didn’t read the Talon all that much when it was printed. When I did read it, it was because one day I happened upon a physical copy of it. I remember that the paper was about President deSteiguer, and I even took a photo of it and posted it on Instagram.

I believe that the Talon should revert back to the old system and again print physical copies of its articles. That way students can once again happen upon articles or take clippings of friend’s photos/articles.

Without a printed newspaper I feel that Oklahoma Christian University is too modern, and I for one miss doing things the old-fashioned way. Whether it is a textbook, a novel, or a newspaper, there is something gratifying about holding what you are reading. In this digital age it is nice to have a break from technology and participate in the time-honored act of reading the newspaper.


Christian Kincheloe is a senior at Oklahoma Christian University


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