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The reason for vegan


With the food industry placing such a strong emphasis on the consumption of meat and meat by-products, people typically do not understand why or how someone could survive without animal protein. Being vegan can be challenging in the world we live in today, especially in Oklahoma.

After researching and watching documentaries such as “Forks over Knives,” “Food Inc.,” “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead,” and “Food Matters,” I began to realize the problem is that most people are simply uneducated about food. I know this because I used to be in that same category.

Some of the most common reactions vegans get are: “Where do you get your protein?” “Why would you do that?” “So what do you eat, grass?”

To answer these questions, believe it or not, there are many other ways to get protein – it’s called plant-based protein. Vegetables, surprisingly enough, contain protein, as well as legumes, nuts, seeds and grains. Our bodies easily digest these types of plant-based proteins, something we do not see when it comes to the digestion of meat. In fact, the human body does not actually possess the enzyme to properly break down meat.

I was skeptical when I first decided to try being vegan; I had no idea what to expect. Within a week, I could see a significant difference. Not only did I have more energy, but I didn’t feel full or tired after meals.

Now, three years later, I cannot picture going back to my old ways of eating. Yes, it can be difficult when eating out, and it does take discipline, but to me, the benefits of a plant-based diet make it all worthwhile.  I know that I am decreasing my chances of cancer and disease, and I know that I am fueling my body with nutrients that it can utilize.

Over the past few years, Oklahoma has improved as far as healthy eating goes. Although it is nothing compared to places like New York City, California or Colorado, there is certainly an increase in the awareness of the truth about foods and what we are really putting into our bodies, and I’m excited to see where we will go in the future.


Addie Ryan is a student at Oklahoma Christian University

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