With a mere 35 days until graduation, I’ve reflected on my college career and come to a conclusion. While I’m proud of several accomplishments, there are four main things I would do differently if I were to do college all over again.
Number one, I would study abroad. There is nothing I wish more than if I had taken some time off to travel, despite the fact it wouldn’t have benefited my degree audit or wallet. I’ve lived all across the U.S. and I know traveling is a priceless experience that can help you grow and teach you about everything from cathedrals to culture to your own character. There are important experiences in life and this is one of them.
Second, I would take more science and math courses. I absolutely loved my college science classes. I remember the most random facts from science classes that I took three years ago. Looking back, there are so many classes I wish I had taken just to satisfy my curiosity.
Growing up I wasn’t the greatest at math, and so I was very relieved to only take one math class in college. But oddly enough, I loved that class. If I could do college over again, I would study math and science more, because there is really no other time in your life when you can study these subjects extensively.
Third, I would join a club. Although I’m not a social animal by any means, I really wish I had been in club at least for a year to have the experience, get connected with people and branch out. I never realized the enormous benefit we all get from living in community with one another. If I had to sacrifice one letter grade for that cause, I would.
Fourth, I would not take things so seriously. Although I highly support going to class, studying hard, being productive, there is nothing worse than working and worrying all day long – which is a lot of what I did for four years. If I were to do college over again, I would be more positive and not stress about one bad grade. I would realize the world is so much bigger than one issue, grade, class, person – whatever it may be.
Now, I know I can’t wish back my college years. I am, in fact, very happy I don’t have to do college again and I’m excited to go on to my next phase in life. What I can do is give you some advice that will hopefully help you make those tough decisions about whether to study abroad, be in club, take extra courses, and so on.
Here is my advice to you: take the opportunities that are presented to you. Don’t feel like you have to do every single thing, but if you are interested in what could be an once-in-a-lifetime deal – go for it.
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