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Understanding Islam

Ignorance can get you into trouble. It can lead to miscommunication, prejudice, lies and a number of undesirable things.

I think we can agree that education is very important, and I’m not just talking textbooks and teachers. The truly important thing is that you educate yourselves about the world and others in it.

You may think that prejudice has gone out the window, but I see “Islamophobia” every day. Yes, ISIS is horrible. Most people, including Muslims, agree. But that is no reason to generalize a whole religion from the acts of a monstrous group.

The truth is, Islam means submission, and represents peace. ISIS and groups like them have severly twisted that message. I have met several Muslims in my lifetime and I can tell you every person I met was nice and normal.

I am no authority on the matter of Islam, but I have taken a class in World Religions and gone to a few lectures on Islam. What ISIS is doing is playing the western world’s news. They want attention. They want us to see the terrible things they do, they want us to be horrified. And the media falls for it every time. Now, we probably know we’re being played, yet we can’t resist the temptation to report every gruesome thing they do.

Don’t fall for the sensationalized events. Muslims are not monsters, they are people. Most of them are intelligent, loving and peaceful people. ISIS does not represent all Muslims just as the Westboro Baptist Church does not represent all Christians.

Adam Soltani, executive director on Council on American-Islamic Relations, came to speak for Seeker’s Chapel, and it was one of the most enriching chapel experiences I have ever had. An item thing he brought out is how people take passages from the Quran out of context, just as they do in the Bible.

Just because you disagree with the beliefs of someone does not mean you cannot respect the person who holds those beliefs. A variation of the golden rule is found in every major religion. The one in Luke 6:31 says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” So if you want to exercise your religion free from oppression, then you should not be oppressing others.

The way we can break free from this prejudice is by educating ourselves and meeting Muslims or really any people who are different from us. They are normal people; they don’t want to behead you, shoot you or harm you in any way. You can apply this to any person you find yourself judging. Befriend them and soon you will see they are not as bad as you think.


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