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We’ve all got the wrong idea

By Sean Bolin

There are some twisted things out there in the world and a lot of misconceptions about them.

I believe the main culprit is a combination of laziness, ignorance and media bias. We take things too seriously, especially when we don’t always have all the facts, and the importance of some things are lost in translation.

It’s bad enough that magazines today are portraying women and men’s beauty as Photoshopped images. They should instead put mirrors in magazines labeled, “you are beautiful in your own unique way.” Some magazines are progressively getting better with the idea that health and beauty should be tied together a little more, that you have the right to be beautiful, just as long as you’re healthy as well. I can agree with that to some degree, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and shouldn’t be put in a box that only a select few can be experts.

Switching to something a little different, but also takes a misconstrued image that starts arguments with feminists and gentlemen across the board: chivalry. Brett Druck, a stand up comedian made famous by Reddit, tells how chivalry isn’t dead, because it only has one thing out of a huge list that says to respect and honor women, and the rest of the list is about medieval battle etiquette.

As Dave Chapelle said, chivalry is dead and women killed it because they turned it into something all about men only serving women, and it wasn’t supposed to be that at all. Chivalry was supposed to be a religious, social and moral code for Knights to follow as they tried their best to better humanity by being a leading example.

There are too many things that are taken with too much salt, instead of a grain of it, and people run with a bias that is portrayed by the media, which is not OK with me. Stop being lazy and figure out how you feel about a topic and do your own research on it, get a well-rounded view instead of taking one side versus the other.

As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”


Sean Bolin is a senior at Oklahoma Christian University.

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