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When Things Don’t Turn Out the Way They Should

At the end of 2018, I wrote an editorial about how there is no ideal college experience. Now more than ever I stand by that statement.

The world was turned on its head this year. A month ago I was excited for the start of spring break and wondering what two weeks of online classes would be like. Now as we approach finals week from our homes, I am marveling at how quickly we had to adapt to the situation we were presented with.

Many of us had to move back home. Others of us are living on our own and trying to stay indoors as much as possible to protect ourselves and everyone else. My morning Starbucks routine is now just a fond memory. Getting groceries every few weeks becomes a carefully planned strategy so I can get food with as little human contact as possible.

What a time to graduate and attempt to enter the workforce. While Oklahoma Christian University has bent over backward to help us finish out the semester, some things are simply not going to happen. A month ago I was concerned with getting my graduation pictures so I could send out invites. Now I would not dream of asking my relatives to travel all the way here.

I like having control over things, and coronavirus has taken that ability away from me. I will not get to walk across a stage to get my degree in a week, and the already difficult task of finding a job now seems impossible. When I thought about writing my very own Talon farewell article, I never anticipated these would be the circumstances under which I would write it.

To my friends, especially those on the Talon staff, I wish I was able to say my goodbyes in person. I had no idea what the Talon was my first two years of college and still did not have a clue when I started as a features reporter at the beginning of my junior year. I learned so much valuable information being on staff and made wonderful friends, even if I was so scared I gave myself a stomachache the first time I went to an editor meeting.

Thank you all for letting me sit around and tweak your grammar. I loved experiencing everyone’s different writing styles and hearing the stories you had to tell. I really felt like I had a place to belong on campus every day I got to show up and joke around in the office. I will miss you guys. I already do.

I want to thank my professors in the communication and English departments as well. Those are the best departments on the Oklahoma Christian campus, hands down. So many of you took the time to help me when I was stuck, listen to my ideas and chat about how my day was going. Whatever success I find in life will be in large part because of you.

I am far from the only person who had the rug pulled out from under them, who did not get to finish college on their own terms. The events of this spring are anything but traditional or normal. No one is having any sort of ideal college experience, but idealism is not what we should be concerned with right now. It is fruitless to worry about perfection during a global pandemic. Do your best, take care of yourself and try not to succumb to cabin fever.

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