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Theaters reopening in OKC area

For many of us at Oklahoma Christian University, indeed around the world, these past few months have been tough. 

The list of things that have and will be impacted by this virus is miles long and growing longer. If we were to rank those things from most to least important, the effects of COVID-19 on the film industry would be pretty far from the top of the list. Nonetheless, most theaters across the country have been closed since March, and the biggest releases of the year have been pushing their release dates further and further back as the virus continues to rage on. 

It seems as if restrictions are finally lifting. Cinemark theaters across the country — including Tinseltown in Oklahoma City — reopened their doors to moviegoers on July 17. America’s largest theater chain, AMC, is reopening several of its locations this Thursday, including the local theaters at Quail Springs and Penn Square. 

For their first day back, AMC is offering tickets at what they claim are 1920 prices: 15 cents. Tickets have sold out quickly. The other prominent theater in the area, at least in terms of ones I frequent — sorry, Kickingbird — is Showbiz Cinemas. They were open for a period of time this summer but closed around mid-July. 

Their website does not give an exact date of reopening, but it does say they “look forward to welcoming everyone back to our locations as soon as new movie releases are available.” I take this to mean they will be opening this weekend with the release of “Unhinged.”

These theaters cannot do things as usual because of the coronavirus, so what should you expect if you decide to venture out to see a new movie in the coming weeks? Masks are required to enter the theater, but you are allowed to take them off once you get to your seats to eat your popcorn and drink your soda. 

To follow social distancing guidelines, theaters will not be filled to capacity. AMC says they are reopening by filling their theaters to 30% capacity, but they will gradually allow more people into their auditoriums. Seating in the theaters will be spaced out so there is adequate distance between you and your friends and other audience members. 

Due to the limited availability of seats, it is a good idea to purchase tickets online in advance. Purchasing tickets online  will also limit your physical contact once you get to the theater. Showtimes have been staggered to give employees more time to clean the auditoriums between shows and to limit bathroom traffic. For more details on what theaters are doing to fight COVID-19, visit the listed guidelines at The Cinemark Standard or AMC FAQs.

What movies are going to be playing in theaters, though? Right now, most theaters are playing classic hits like “Ghostbusters,” “Jurassic Park,” “Back to the Future,” and “The Goonies.” Studios have been pushing back release dates all summer, but it seems like we will have a stream of new movies starting this weekend. “Unhinged” — a revenge thriller starring Russell Crowe — will be the first “big” movie released in theaters since March. 

The following weekend, the biggest theater release is “New Mutants,” a Marvel/X-Men movie that has been getting pushed back since April 2018. On Thursday, Sep. 3, one of the most anticipated films of 2020, Christopher Nolan’s “Tenant,” finally hits the big screen in a limited release that includes Oklahoma City. Nolan’s films have historically been huge blockbusters and spectacles. It will be interesting to see whether the general public will feel comfortable enough to go back to theaters to see it. 

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