Following his passion for music, Oklahoma Christian University Senior Kai Jorgensen recently wrote and produced his very own album, “Melancholy, Baby.” The music education student said the album accomplished his personal goal to share his love of music through the seasons of his life over the past four years.
“I have always wanted to make music my career,” Jorgensen said. “I played everything in the album. I played the drums and guitar, and I produced it and mixed it—just to prove that I could, I suppose.”
Jorgenson performed his album for Oklahoma Christian University students April 3 and said he was very happy with how the release party unfolded. He sold most of his CDs, even though he said he was not expecting to.
Although Kai said he has always known he wanted to record and produce his own album, he only began recording this album last summer. Once he started working on it again over Christmas, he said he just could not stop.
“I recorded one song on the album last summer, but I did everything else over the last week of Christmas break,” Jorgensen said. “I was holed up in an attic in Iowa, snowed in where it was 20 degrees, and that is where the magic happened.”
The album revolves around Jorgensen’s college years and all of his experiences since freshman year. He said he wanted it to really reflect on the past four years and what they have meant to him.
“It is basically just a compilation of songs that I have written since being here—they are sort of just capturing the changes I went through from freshman year to graduation,” Jorgensen said. “I tried to capture the more highs and lows and the difficult parts to get through.”
Jorgensen said he knows the music industry is incredibly difficult to get into and that he does not necessarily expect anything to come from his album—he just wanted to be able to say he has done it and be able to share his work with others.
“The album is mostly alternative rock with a southern twist,” Jorgensen said. “I struggled a long time when I was getting started with what I personally was capable of performing. I have always been told that I have a unique sounding voice, and I recognize that and wanted to utilize it well.”
The release party of “Melancholy, Baby” was Jorgensen’s farewell to Oklahoma Christian, but he said this will not be the end of his music career. According to Jorgensen, he hopes to continue to pursue music after graduation.
“I am currently waiting to hear back from a teaching position just north of Nashville,” Jorgensen said. “If that goes well, I hope to take that education field, which is what my degree is in, and use that to get myself more planted, then use my off time to learn more of the ins and outs of the music industry. If I cannot get involved in it as an artist, I really want to get into the production of it, maybe as a producer or sound engineer in a studio to help other people make music, and then at the same time, continue to write my own music.”
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