Pizza Maker Mobster
Criticism of New African American Studies Course
New Lawsuit Against Kyle Rittenhouse
New Regulations for Oklahoma Mail-Order Medications
Pizza Maker Mobster Arrested After 16 Years
Imagine the chef at your favorite pizzeria was arrested as a mobster with an outstanding warrant. For France, this occurred last week when Italian authorities arrested Edgardo Greco in Saint-Etienne.
Both Greco and Matteo Messina Denaro committed multiple murders in the ’90s. However, Denaro, who had been the “boss of bosses” for Sicily’s Cosa Nostra, was arrested on a visit to a clinic in Sicily after being on the run for 30 years. Greco, on the other hand, was part of the ‘Ndrangheta crime mob and fled, eventually finding Saint-Etienne, France, under the alias Paolo Dimitrio.
After at least three years at the pizzeria, Greco was comfortable enough with his new life to appear in a newspaper promoting the shop’s cuisine. Between Interpol and Italian authorities, the connection was made, surveillance confirming Greco’s identity, and led to the arrest.
Read more on this story here.
College Board Criticized for Revisions made to New AP African American Studies Course
On Wednesday, the first day of Black History Month, College Board released an official curriculum for a new Advanced Placement course in African American studies, which high school students can take for college credit. Several changes were made to the original pilot of the course.
On Jan. 27, prior to the final curriculum’s release, the state of Florida banned the new course.
Others find the new version lacking, including the New York Times saying it erased anything to do with Black feminism or the “gay experience.” According to NPR, “Of the units that appeared in the pilot course, those about intersectionality and activism, Black feminist literary thought and Black Queer Studies are not in the final curriculum.”
Duke University professor Kerry Haynie, who helped develop the course, says otherwise.
“We reject any claim that our work either indoctrinates students or, on the other hand, has bowed to political pressure,” Haynie said in a statement issued by the College Board on Wednesday.
College Board does, however, acknowledge the lessened “breadth” of the course’s new version.
To learn more on this story, click here.
New Lawsuit Against Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse
Nov. 2021 Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse is found not guilty on all accounts. Now, in Feb. 2023, a new lawsuit against Rittenhouse has been approved to proceed via the ruling of U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman.
John Huber’s son, Anthony Huber, was among two men shot and killed by Rittenhouse. John’s lawsuit, filed in 2021, accused officers of allowing a situation which was both dangerous and a violation of his son’s rights. John further alleged Rittenhouse conspired with law enforcement.
“While we respect the judge’s decision, we do not believe there is any evidence of a conspiracy,” Rittenhouse’s attorney Shane Martin said. “We are confident, just as a Kenosha jury found, Kyle’s actions that evening were not wrongful and were undertaken in self defense.”
John is seeking unspecified damages from city officials, officers and Rittenhouse.
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New Regulations for Mail-Order Medications in Oklahoma
As of Wednesday’s unanimous vote by the Oklahoma Pharmacy Board, all mail-order medicines are required to be shipped in temperature-controlled packages.
Loretta Boesing, mother of a child with a liver transplant who has recently began receiving anti-rejection medication by mail, said the medication has arrived deformed or damaged at times due to heat conditions during shipping. Boesing, who drove seven hours from Missouri to be at the board meeting on Wednesday, commented on the significance of this decision.
“It’s a room temperature medication, which is often ignored by mail-order pharmacies. Not only could it lose potency, but medications can also break down and become toxic,” Boesing said.
Texas’ Pharmacy Board will be discussing similar issues soon.
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