At the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting during the week of executive elections, senators discussed by-law revisions and future events.
Senior and executive vice president Taylor Dotson presented by-law proposals on the topic of campaigning. The new by-laws include adding the Brew as a location to add posters, social media stipulations and enforcement of automatic disqualification for derogatory or demeaning actions.
Senators proceeded to hold a long discussion debating what makes a statement or action during a campaign defaming toward another candidate and how to respond to this sort of situation.
SGA sponsor Liz McElroy began a discussion last night which could potentially promote a university-wide discussion on rape and sexual assault. Senators began to brainstorm how to present this information in a impactful way to students.
Election runoffs for vice president and president will occur today from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Harmony 2019, an effort to unify the Church of Christ sister schools, is now sold out at Oklahoma Christian University. Free seats are still available at Memorial Road Church of Christ.
The band the Arcadian Wild will come to campus on Friday, April 12, at 7 p.m. in the forum to perform. Tickets are free to students.
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