The Student Government Association (SGA) met on Oct. 4 to discuss a funding request for the upcoming Glow Run and Holiday Hustle, leadership tips from President Ken Jones and Eagle Eye activities.
A funding request of $600 was made for Team OC’s Glow Run so students could receive the event’s t-shirt for free.
Another funding request was discussed for the Holiday Hustle 5K on Saturday, Nov. 11.
Next, President Ken Jones spoke to SGA about leadership.
“There’s a verse in Esther and it reads, ‘He worked for their good and spoke for their welfare.’ That is what leadership is all about,” Jones said.
Jones said SGA is meant to act as a voice for students to be heard.
“Your job as a student association is to be a voice for their [students] welfare,” said Jones.
To end the discussion about leadership, Jones closed with his main point.
“So what is leadership? Working for the good of others and speaking for their welfare,” Jones said.
Lastly, Eagle Eye presented upcoming events. A volleyball tournament will occur on Oct. 7, and the Chamber and Chorale concert will be on Sunday, Oct. 8 at 2 p.m.
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