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Biology Department welcomes new professor

Landon Moore joined Oklahoma Christian's biology faculty after spending extensive time in scientific research at prior universities. Photo by Abby Bellow
Landon Moore joins Oklahoma Christian University’s biology faculty after spending extensive time in scientific research at other universities. Photo by Abby Bellow

Landon Moore, an Independent researcher and professor, recently joined Oklahoma Christian University’s biology department.

Moore received his undergraduate degree in genetic biology from Purdue University and continued his schooling at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Moore was unable to finish his graduate degree initially due to his service in the Gulf War. Eventually, Moore returned and received his Ph.D. Since, he has spent his time teaching and conducting research at University of Southern Indiana, Boston School of Medicine and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

“I received my first faculty position at Boston University and was able to stay there for five years,” Moore said. “ I ended up having to move on because they closed my department. I did mostly research and grants that were becoming harder and harder to receive. That’s when I decided to start undergraduate teaching.”

Moore moved on to southern Indiana in 2009.

“My research has all been focused on cancer research,” Moore said. “When I was in Indiana they started asking me if I wanted to go up for 10 years and I decided I really didn’t want to there.”

Moore said equipment and resources were scarce for the type of research that he wanted to continue.

“I started looking for a new university that had those opportunities, some place where I would be able to teach and continue with my research,” Moore said. “Oklahoma Christian was the best place, they had great access to equipment and resources.”

Moore said he appreciated that if Oklahoma Christian did not have something he needed, he could borrow it from the health and science center.

“I really liked the size of the university and they gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse,” Moore said. “I have never been at a small school. Every place I have been at has been very impersonal. I like the fact that I see most of the people I work with at church on Sundays.”

Moore teaches classes in genetics and has started teaching an undergraduate research course.

“Class size is great because I actually get to know my students,” Moore said. “The last place I was at was about four times the size of this and I probably had about 100 students in class. This has been a very pleasant change and I am very glad I came here.”

Associate Professor of Biology Eric Phelps said he was excited about the future of the department with Moore on staff.

“Landon really stood out based on his research background and teaching background.” Phelps said. “He is very interactive and he doesn’t just talk about what is in the book but also current research that is going on and how it relates to what they are learning about. He works with the students so they can have a better scientific experience.”

Phelps said that Moore’s teaching style goes beyond a simple lecture, which the students really appreciate.

“I don’t know if OC has ever had somebody like Dr. Moore before on campus,” Phelps said. “And he really brings another perspective of teaching and research, which I think students can look up too.”

Student and teacher’s assistant Sarah Hufstedler said she enjoys working for the new professor.

“He was a really good person to work for and I’m excited to see fellow students start too do research with him,” Hufstedler said. “That is some thing that the student can put on their resume and could really help them out in the long run.”

Moore said he is excited to push his students to the limit and make Oklahoma Christian his new home.

“They say ‘OC is Home’ around campus and I actually believe it,” Moore said.

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