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Getting to know you: professors join education, music and computer science departments

Elayne Bowman is a visiting assistant professor of education. Photo by Hannah Brewster
Elayne Bowman is a visiting assistant professor of education. Photo by Hannah Brewster

Alumni Elayne Bowman, Mike Knedler and Robert Nix are among the seven newest professors to join the Oklahoma Christian University faculty.

Bowman is a professor of education, and this semester is teaching Human Relations and Behavior Management, Educational Technology, Primary Math and Secondary Methods.

“OC is home for me,” Bowman said. “It’s a big part of my life.”

Prior to coming to Oklahoma Christian, Bowman taught math at Mustang Public Schools for 20 years.

Bowman said she is excited about being at Oklahoma Christian because here she can combine her two passions.

“OC takes the two things that are most important to me in my life and puts them together: my faith in God and teaching,” Bowman said. “I just have an incredible passion to teach and being able to bring my faith into the classroom is wonderful.”

When she is not teaching, Bowman can be found gardening, fishing or riding with her husband in her Mustang GT convertible.

Mike Knedler Professor of Western Thought and Expression I, and Music Appreciation 9-22-15 Photo by Hannah Brewster
Mike Knedler is a distinguished professor of honors. Photo by Hannah Brewster

Knedler is the newest addition to the music honors program at Oklahoma Christian. Knedler is from Northwestern Oklahoma State University, where he taught for 32 years.

This semester Knedler will be co-teaching two courses in the honors program, Western Thought and Expression, as well as one section of Music Appreciation.

Knedler is said he is also excited about getting to combine his faith with his passion for teaching at Oklahoma Christian.

“I love the school’s faith-based mission,” Knedler said. “You just can’t get that at a public school.”

Robert Nix Professor of Algorithm Analysis and Information Security 9-22-15 Photo by Hannah Brewster
Robert Nix is an assistant professor of computer and information science. Photo by Hannah Brewster

Nix joined the Department of Computer Science faculty.

Nix was previously at Lipscomb University where he taught various computer science courses. Nix will be teaching Algorithm Analysis and Information Security this semester.

Nix said he enjoys the people here at Oklahoma Christian, and he is glad to be back since graduating.



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