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Men’s Intramural Preview

Intramural season has begun at Oklahoma Christian University and so has the race for the coveted all-sports trophy.

Seven different clubs will be competing for the all-sports trophy, which include Chi Lambda Phi, Delta Gamma Sigma, Kappa Sigma Tau, Psi Epsilon, Alpha Gamma Omega, the Freshmen class and the *Upperclassmen.

*Upperclassmen generally only form a team for softball. The majority of the upperclassmen team will proceed to rush a club before the flag football season starts and compete with them for the rest of the school year.


The men of Chi Lambda Phi claimed their third straight all-sports title last year, tying with Delta Gamma Sigma for the most male all-sports titles despite being a 30 year younger club. But Evan Card, senior assistant intramural director, said winning won’t be as easy as it has been for Chi this year.

“It’s gonna be really close this year,” Card said. “Without their last senior class, Chi won’t be promised the trophy.”

Junior athletic director for Chi Kade Schuerman responded with similar tenacity.

“We have to work hard this year,” Schuerman said. “Nothing is promised; it’s gonna be a dogfight.”

One of the biggest influences on the outcome of intramural sports is how the new rushees impact different clubs. Schuerman spoke on how Chi plans to approach this aspect.

“We’re recruiting based on who we think fits best with Chi, not who has the most athletic talent to offer. We are not afraid to rely on our upperclassmen,” Schuerman said.

While Chi fights to keep their all-sports streak alive, Delta Gamma Sigma and Kappa Sigma Tau are putting in the work to be top contenders this year as well. While Kappa has the more recent win of the 2, winning the 2020-21 school year, Delta’s athletic director Garrett Webster said new members are stepping up. 

“We picked up a strong rush class last year,” Webster said. “Like most clubs, we have to make adjustments, but I feel we are a step ahead of the competition when it comes to rebuilding.” 

Delta has been quick to call younger members up to their softball A team, with 8 of the 11 starters having rushed Delta within the last year. Webster confirmed he will be taking the role of athletic director seriously and has worked hard to produce competitive rosters.

“No position or roster spot is promised,” Webster said. “I don’t care if you’ve played A team all of your life, you have to earn your spot this year.”

Delta played a nailbiter of a game against the freshmen on August 15, losing 7-9 after extra innings, and scored a huge 13-7 victory over Chi on August 17. Delta also beat the upperclassmen 22-5 on August 20.

“It took a couple innings for us to get our hits to not pop up as much, but we got it figured out,” Webster said. “I’m really proud of how Delta played.”

Delta’s win over Chi in A league softball is historic, assistant intramural director Josiah Schmidt reports.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Chi lose this matchup before,” Schmidt said. “It has to have been at least 5 years since Delta won this game.”

The men of Kappa Sigma Tau are also looking to score big. Card spoke highly of Kappa this year.

“Kappa just has to place well enough in our weaker sports like soccer, then fight for sports they can win,” Card said. “Kappa can definitely take all-sports this year.”

While the freshmen are still selecting their athletic directors, they have made a splash in the sophomore season after the boys beat Delta A. Trent Dobbs named one sophomore he believes could take a club to the A league final.

“I’d watch out for Quinn Martin, our intramural freshmen MVP from last year,” Dobbs said. “Quinn is a great overall athlete and a solid goalkeeper, he will boost any club’s roster.”

Top Athletes to Watch This Year:

Here are some names to watch out for this year. All names mentioned came from athletic directors or intramural directors:

Carter Neal (Chi Lambda Phi)

Luke Ferguson (Delta Gamma Sigma)

Buddy Lambert (Kappa Sigma Tau)

Evan Card (Kappa Sigma Tau)

Carson Thompson (Delta Gamma Sigma)

Noah Bosley (Chi Lambda Phi)

Quinn Martin (Sophomore)

Cole Klaassen (Chi Lambda Phi)

Here are the current all-sports standings as of Sunday, August 20. Note that both the softball standings and the overall standings will be off as not every club has played the same number of games. To find information about upcoming games, visit @studentlifeoc on Instagram.


Freshmen: 2-1 (+2 over Delta)

Delta: 2-1 

Chi: 1-1 (+ 5 Run differential)

Upper: 1-1 (-17 Run differential)

Kappa: 0-2


Freshmen: 20

Delta: 20

Chi: 10

Upper: 10

Kappa: 0

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