The Oklahoma Christian University men’s basketball team delivered a reality-check to Dallas Baptist University on Saturday, holding the Patriots’ 86 points-per-game offense to 60 points in the Nest.
Men’s Basketball Head Coach Dan Hays said the team delivered a defensive showcase despite the loss.
“It was a great effort by the Eagles,” Hays said. “[We] fought long and hard, DBU only shot 33 percent, which speaks well for our defense.”
Dallas Baptist shot 38.7 percent in the first half but hit the Eagles’ defensive wall and managed only 27 percent in the second half, averaging out to 33 percent.
The Eagles improved to 39.4 percent in the second half, after shooting 24 percent in the first half to average nearly 33 percent as well, balancing out the game between the two teams.
Oklahoma Christian’s performance reflected freshman Cameron Peters’ hopes before hitting the court.
“I think if we just don’t relax at certain points in the game and stay locked in the whole time that will help us get a win,” Peters said.
While Oklahoma Christian didn’t record the win, it rallied after closing the first half trailing 17-31. The Eagles led the second half’s scoring 36 points, outshooting DBU by 7 points, but the turnaround wasn’t enough. The Patriots took the game 60-53 at the final buzzer.
The Eagles faced increasing odds when both John Moon and Tripp Fuller were forced to the bench with apparent bleeding.
Before sitting out the last three minutes, Moon scored 18 points and shot 4-5 behind the free-throw line. Peters contributed 10 points and grabbed five rebounds.
Jordan Box rebounded eight off the board, dished three assists, and scored eight points in his 27 minutes of playing time.
According to Hays, the team played a clean game with eight turnovers compared to the Patriot’s 12, and both teams committed 17 fouls.
The Eagles hit the road to play Rogers State University on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
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