Spring Sing is one of the epitomes of the Oklahoma Christian University experience. Apart from the club performances, the hosts help move the show forward. Between each club performance is an equally impressive show performed by eight students.
Cade Deister:
Where are you from?
Houston, Texas
What is your major?
Psychology and Vocational Ministry
What made you want to become a host?
Last year I did Spring Sing full-time and loved it, but it was incredibly taxing. This year I had to take a hard look at my personal schedule and knew I couldn’t manage full-time again. So, I looked into auditioning for host. I felt like being a host was also a great way for me to be involved in Spring Sing overall yet still represent my club.
What is your favorite Spring Sing memory?
My favorite Spring Sing memory was performing Chi’s Saturday night show. We went into that night feeling extremely motivated to not only do well but to have a blast. That motivation led to me having the most fun I’ve had performing on stage.
Emily Kelley:
Where are you from?
Wichita, Kansas
What is your major?
Family Science
What made you want to become a host?
I wanted to be a host because I absolutely love to sing and perform, and I thought this was a great outlet for me. I am also a senior and wanted the chance to do this, especially with Sam Walter, before I graduate.
What is your favorite Spring Sing memory?
This is my first year doing Spring Sing, but I have loved getting to know the other hosts and executive directors. We all have a lot of fun together.
Austin Peace:
Where are you from?
Houston, Texas
What is your major?
Youth Ministry
What made you want to become a host?
I wanted to become a host because I’ve always loved performing and getting to make music friends.
What is your favorite Spring Sing memory?
My favorite Spring Sing memory was probably club night sophomore year when everyone lost their mind for the black light part of Kappa’s Alice in Wonderland show.
Riley Roper:
Where are you from?
Edmond, Oklahoma
What is your major?
Mechanical Engineering
What made you want to become a host?
I really like singing with good singers.
Sam Walter:
Where are you from?
Wichita, Kansas
What is your major?
Youth Ministry
What made you want to become a host?
My co-host Emily Kelley and I were in the same show choir at Butler Community College and performed together every day. Since graduating from Butler and transferring here, our opportunities to perform together have been much fewer. Hosting Spring Sing 2020 was a very exciting opportunity to be on stage together again.
What is your favorite Spring Sing memory?
My favorite Spring Sing memory was directing the Alpha show last year. Seeing all of the guys come together, spending their free time constructing a giant dragon head and trying their best with my crazy choreography was really awesome.
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