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Posts published by “Kristy Jang”

STEMinar encourages students to never stop learning

“I think you guys are all here to learn,” Kemps said. “I think you’re here to learn to learn and you should keep learning. Versatility is just one of those things that you need to adapt. At my job, we rollout technology all the time. Getting people to use it or to want to use it is very difficult, especially when they didn’t choose the change. The company chose the change; the change was brought onto them. You really need to bring people along technology. Make them part of the idea.”

PLC provides leadership opportunities, community for students

“The biggest thing I’ve learned is that there aren’t social boundaries on this campus,” Compton said. “In PLC they taught us, especially since it’s a Christian campus, you should just talk to anyone and be friendly to people because you don’t know who you’re going to impact. Same goes for board members and directors or heads of different things. You just go up to them and introduce yourself because they want to meet you. Break the barrier because they don’t really get contact with students so take initiative. It builds community around you.”

Organizations unite to help in wake of Hurricane Harvey

“We’re trying to just get all the clubs to collect as many canned foods they can,” Overshiner said. “And the club that collects the most canned food gets $200 that can be used towards working with SGA at some point for another mission trip. So, it’s kind of like an incentive to get this whole thing rolling. We want clubs to be doing the social service part more than just intramurals and competitions. Hopefully, this will be the start of a change in that direction.”