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Posts published by “Mariah Coulter”

Hope blooms at annual Rose Day in Oklahoma City

As a college student, Peters said she hopes the conversation for pro-life will be open instead of people shying away from it. The only acceptable way to talk about abortion during this day and age is if you are pro-choice, Peters said. As a pro-life supporter and person of faith, Peters said, however, that even if one decides to have an abortion, she still believes Christians should extend grace toward them and love them.

“Wonder Woman” alumna remembered at benefit concert

“There were really three things that Amy said to us before she passed,” Luke said. ““One, you are not allowed to be mad at God that I am sick, or if I die. He did not cause this. You cannot blame God. Two, I just want this to glorify Him. If I can bless someone or if someone comes to know him from me, then it is worth it,’—and she lived it out. And the third was she didn’t say goodbye. She said, ‘see you soon,’ so we say, ‘See you soon.’”