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Posts published in “Opinions”

Do you deserve better?

The updates ceaselessly air on every news channel, political blog and Facebook rant. The memes haunt us, the out-of-context quotes revile us and the whole…

Things I wish I did in college

With a mere 35 days until graduation, I’ve reflected on my college career and come to a conclusion. While I’m proud of several accomplishments, there…

Starbucks does not hate Jesus

In an anti-Starbucks rant video on Facebook, Joshua Feuerstein stood in front of a Starbucks holding their 2015 holiday themed cups claiming that the coffee…

Relationship pressures

By Alyssa Tarmey Why is there so much pressure? The pressure to date, the pressure to prepare yourself for someone else, the pressure to become…

Thanksgiving is still a holiday

As calendar pages turn from October to November, there comes a sense of a new season upon us. Pumpkins turn into stockings, costume contests become…

Itchy feet

By Lauren Andrews When I was 12, my family went to Walt Disney World. My family goes to Disney World almost every year. We’ve been…

Everything does not happen for a reason

By Kacy Nash Everything happens for a reason – I have never really been a fan of that phrase. Even though it comes from kind…