Intramural Female Athlete of the Week
Name: Kenna Kellam
Club: Gamma Rho
Year: Senior
Hometown: Point, Texas
Major: Nursing
Sport: Softball A Team
Q: What is your favorite intramural memory?
A: Winning the softball championship in the rain as the fourth seed was the dreamiest and sweetest memory.
Q: What made you want to play intramurals?
A: Since I am not playing basketball anymore I wanted to look for a way to be more involved and give more attention to my social club. It also gives me good exercise.
Q: How did it feel to win the softball championship this year?
A: It was such a fulfilling moment coming back and winning as the underdog. Running into the arms of the other athletic director was unreal.
Q: What was the highlight of your softball season this year?
A: Talking to and getting to know the freshman girls, as well as the sweet girls in other clubs through softball was probably my favorite part.
Intramural Male Athlete of the Week

Name: Grant Hazel
Club: Chi Lambda Phi
Year: Junior
Hometown: Keller, Texas
Team: Softball A-Team
Q: What is your favorite intramural memory?
A: My favorite memory from playing intramurals so far was being able to play in the softball championship this season.
Q: What made you want to play intramurals?
A: What made me want to play intramurals was being able to prove to myself I can at least play some sports again after having multiple knee surgeries.
Q: How did it feel to win the softball championship this year?
A: Winning the softball championship made me so proud to be a part of a club of guys who truly just want to go all out in everything. Getting to play and win for all the people there was a really cool feeling.
Q: What was the highlight of your softball season this year?
A: The highlight of this softball season for me was when we were down by a few runs going into the last inning we came back and had about 10 runs in the last inning.
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